Caddington Parish Council

including Chaul End and Aley Green

On 20th September 2023, Cllr Russell as Chair of Caddington Parish and the Parish Clerk were invited for the day to the dedication of “Caddington Road” a new road in the German town.

The road name was chosen from several other alternatives by the people of Oststeinbek. In fact, two new roads were dedicated, the other was for their German twin.

The shield is a photo of the one hanging on the wall in the “Rathaus” or Town Hall in Oststeinbek.

The photo of Mark with the man in the cap is Peter Hartman who many people will know as he worked with our original twinning committee. He was very happy to have been at the event as a symbol of the strength of the twinned relationship.

Finally, the man handing the certificate to Mark is Jürgen Hettwer Oststeinbek Bürgermeister.

There was an extra road sign printed which was given to us as a gift. Watch out for this appearing somewhere in the Parish!